Sunday, 19 March 2017

This IIT Girl performance is taking all over the Internet

Just when Internet was about to get out of the fever of IIT Roorkee's students' video of Ed Shereen's "Shape of You" another IIT performance has taken up all over the internet. This time it has even got better.

This video of IIT Delhi's dance competition has gone viral and for all the good reasons. IITs are mainly known for the serious crowds and nerds inside the college, but every now and then the students of these colleges continue to surprise us.

The girl is seen, in the video, to dance over the famous Dhating Naach from the Shahid Kapoor starer Phata Poster Nikla Hero. The original video from the movie has Nargis Fakri dancing over the voice of Neha Kakkar. This was Nargis' first item number.

The IIT Girl has fully justified the performance by Nargis with all the moves she made. Her performance is flawless and she is just enjoying every beat of the music.

Have a look here, watch: IIT Girl performing

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